
To be a considerate bride

Bridesmaids are not only the intimate girlfriends of bride but also the most important assistant of wedding, who will naturally become the most reliable friend the brides to pour out their feelings. Take a look at the following nine things bridesmaids mostly want to tell you, be a considerate bride.

1. Bridesmaids want you to tell them your expectations

What help do you need from your bridesmaids? Is the easiest support adequate? Or do you want them to be able to participate in all decision-making processes throughout the wedding preparations? Fill invitations, candy packaging or other chores are needed help? No matter what you want them to do, advance frank communication is needed with the bridesmaids, in order to avoid that the others can not understand what help you need most.

2. Inform your friends the candidate of bridesmaid as early as possible

Compared to those who thought will receive your wedding invitation colleagues, what even more embarrassing is the friend that thought she would be your bridesmaid. Once you have decided the bridesmaids list, tell your friends as soon as possible, so that they will not beembarrassed in the friends circle. If you do not want to hurt the feelings of others, keep this in mind, a true friend can understand your final decision.

3. They want you to have a perfect dream wedding

Do you think someone could not afford the fancy bridesmaid dress of your favorite, then decide not to vote her as bridesmaid? Do not forget that, as a friend, they all want you to have a perfect wedding. Do not be shy to communicate frankly and tell them what makes you happiest.

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4. They want you to respect the bridesmaid's duties

Brides are better to consider the actual situation of the bridesmaids at the time of allocation of tasks. Your friends to provide you with help, at the same time there are work and family matters on their own to deal with. The most important thing is to maintain a balance. In addition to the bridesmaids, your parents, relatives, friends and fiance can help too.

5. They want you to dress them up

If you fancy a bridesmaid dress styles have objections, it is best to reach a compromise, and re-selection. If the same can not meet all the bridesmaid dresses, you can develop a standard, such as color or length skirt, and then let the bridesmaids choose their own favorite dress so. Even if there are differences in dress style, carefully dressed bridesmaids will still look glamorous.

6. Bridesmaids hope you can think for their sake

It is indeed the bridesmaid's task to help you, but that does not mean you can arbitrarily dictate the bridesmaids round and round busy. Whether ask her to accompany you to try on wedding dress or write invitation and other preparation things, remember do not put too much requirements on the bridesmaids.

7. Do not let the overhead of bridesmaids is too large

Being as a bridesmaid will spend their money for dress, hair makeup, bridal bachelor party, wedding gifts, and from transportation fees. Consider the economic situation for the bridesmaids, if necessary, you can offer help. For example, you can tell your bridesmaids do not have to buy too luxurious wedding gifts. You can also help in need bridesmaids with special ticket and hotel reservation in advance.

8. Bridesmaids want to get a to do list

The bride should write a to do list for the wedding day in advance. And then consider whether there are other people willing or able to provide assistance, such as your brother and sister, aunt and site service personnel. If there are unexpected events, do not push everything to the bridesmaids.

9. Bridesmaid hope you are still friends

This seems to be not a problem. But some brides can easily be carried away by the upcoming wedding, often forget to take into account of other people's feelings. When date with bridesmaids, do not forget to talk about things other than the wedding, such as her recent work or appointments. Bridesmaids will appreciate you think about their life and are willing to share with you.

