
Princess braids, how do you like it?

From big stars on the red carpet to a variety of small gathering in daily life, are beauty contest for ladies, when removing clothing and makeup, hairstyle is as well as the most important, the right hairstyle can become the "king of flowers." Never overlook the importance of it, please! Here take a quick learning for the mermaid braid now!

Step 1: The style mainly constituent of three braids. After the hair is combed back smoothly, remove the top part of the hair into three braids, compiled to third place, and the rest of this bunch of hair into two parts, one of which wound braids hair.
Step 2: Braids wrapped without much deliberate way, as long as it is fixed and naturally on the line.
After completion of the winding, this is the effect.
Step 3: The rest of the hair need to follow the way of the fishbone braids, compiled to the tail.
Step 4: Fixed the braids, a little hair pulling, manufacturing fluffy natural sense.
Step 5: After completing sprayed hairspray, a beautiful mermaid greasy braid is here. Have you got it?

Above tips by www.aiven.co.uk!

