
A wedding dress in support of a special project

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to apparel ACMID


It costs 900 Euros and a part of this sum will be donated to ACMID, Association of Community Moroccan Women in Italy. We are talking about the wedding dress made by Tailoring Bassani for the Milanese atelier Scenarios Bride. The dress, with silk top and tulle skirt multilayer, modeling according to the taste of every single bride, was presented a few months ago in the elegant Milanese atelier of Francesca Campa.

The project stems from the desire to Francesca Campa to help women in difficulty and aims to promote the integration and support of all those who are facing difficult situations, often with issues related to 'the family, belonging not only to the Moroccan culture but also to the Italian.

Thanks to this interesting initiative all brides who choose the wedding dress in question to wear on your wedding day, will help improve the living conditions of many women less fortunate.

