
Rogecourt: discovering new trends in Wedding Fair

This weekend was held the 2nd edition of this fair to the area of ​​Mont-Rouge. Hot spot for engaged couples and especially for those on the lookout for the latest fashion and beauty trends.


What look like brides of summer 2016? Dress, hairstyle, makeup, jewelry ... professionals attending the Wedding Fair, Saturday and Sunday, decipher trends.

Let's start with the dress(bridesmaid dresses) that resembles a real Holy Grail for most ladies. Therefore also they usually take them a year in advance. And despite the ephemeral context of this day, no question of eyeing the post. "On average, they spend between 800 and 900 euros, observes Amélie Bourgeois, saleswoman at Aphrodite Married. It's sort of the dream girl that will stand. "About Nadine confirmed Mangin, manager of the sign Nadissima. Only Corinne Leclerc, head of the eponymous store, do not fully share this finding. "Rather, I see people who have a budget of 500 euros. "


However, if there is indeed a point on which the three shopping come together, it is the color of the dress made of satin. "We remain in tradition with white, ivory," they note. While it is increasingly common to find two-tone models with a silhouette dotted with flowers or embroideries in shades of gray, turquoise, fuchsia. "After, if the bride wants a very specific color, you can obviously adapt," admits Amélie Bourgeois.

In the section itself, the strapless dress remains attractive. "One notices a return to bare back or covered with lace," notes Nadine Mangin. Not to mention "the tulle that remains a must," says Corinne Leclerc. While other traditions are lost gradually. This is particularly true of the veil - especially for concealing the shoulders to the town hall or church - that women wear less. "We asked still a little bit but nothing more," observed exhibiting.


Ditto for the garter overlooked by brides. "I have a lot more in. Two or three a year at most, "laments Nadine Mangin.

Unlike the wedding dress that will reach one day, the alliance will it (at least in principle), on her finger a lifetime. Again, from one professional to another, diverge price. "600 euros" according to Didier Parise, head of a sign of the same name, "between 1000 and 1500 euros," says one in the jewelery and jewelery Jean-Marie Six.


If men choose sobriety, their companions favor, they, rings set with diamonds or bicolored in order to give them the rest of their jewelry.

At the center of attention on the big day, interested also treat their hair and makeup.

Regarding the hair first, it is the return to nature which is recommended. "We are on loops, chignons not too learned," says Bertrand Massage, hairstylist-beautician in Antony. Or even "braids" adds Anne-Sophie Tasserit, manager of Open'Coif.


Some also opt for based on natural flower ornaments, beads or embroidery as a reminder - in this case - to the dress. Others choose the headband, very fashionable in recent years.

Finally, the makeup - lighter in the past - now wants to support. Especially at eye level. "Clients want it to be marked. They claim we are more black, so the smoky eye smoky eye, "says Samantha Camus Bio & Spa sign. The emphasis on the eyes, lips remain, they, nude, relegating flashy mouths on other occasions. "We are also asked to hide the buttons, there is no shine. It takes a perfect make-up in short. "

Fewer visitors this year

Contacted late Sunday afternoon, the Wedding Fair organizers recognized that attendance was down compared to the first edition. "We can not quantify how much because the entry is free. But it is true that we have had much less crowded than the last time, "entrust Decotte Delphine and Jean-Pierre Zangare, domain managers Mont Rouge. The attacks in Paris could explain the lower number of visitors, according to them. More than the winter weather that hit the country this weekend. However, the two managers are satisfied with the returns they have had from exhibitors. "They had a good time together and had a lot of contact. "
Focus on elven dress

Amid the usual stalls gowns and grooms suits, jewelry, wines and other brochures "honeymoons" installed in the castle, a small space intrigue visitors. This is the costume designer Kristina Pagojute. The Lithuanian, arrived in Paris three years ago, came to present some of his creations mixing several styles: medieval, fantastic, Gothic and Victorian.

One of them, suspended from a bearing, has also not failed to attract the eye throughout the weekend. "This is the Pernette dress(2015 prom dresses), the name of the person who carried it," smiles the young woman, herself decked out with a singular outfit.

Far cry from the pristine silhouettes, the "Pernette" has it, was designed in two shades of blue. Above all, it consists of several components. "We bustier that closes with laces behind a petticoat, skirt and sleeves. And I used a particular fabric: satin duchesse that should not get wet or be ironed. At least to be very careful. It's all that holding weighs slightly compared to something more traditional. "One aspect that has not deterred the Laon when she made the choice of this elven dress, existing only in sketches. "I made the request. She wished that adds unicorns, but I explained to him that it might carry too much holding. "

The work, made entirely by hand, has required no less than sixty hours. And its price is actually not too far from that found on current models since it amounts to 1000 euros.

This weekend, the owner has willingly paid to the designer who could expose him. And even if the applications for such documents are not tributary, the Parisian has nonetheless developed a new it submitted in Sunday's parade. Notice to amateurs ...

