
These are indeed original wedding dresses!

Today we're going to put on the table a collection of wedding dresses that will remain etched in your memory. Love at first sight with her!


Occasionally, just occasionally, you find little gems that make your heart beat a mile a minute. Well, something similar happened to me with this collection of wedding dresses that have made (literally) melts me for each of its designs.


And it is that by now find things, designs, patterns, styles and lines that really surprised is increasingly complicated or difficult. In fact, I hate when some brands take collections every year renewing some details of certain models, changing this or that of a wedding dress(long bridesmaid dresses) or simply changing the type of neckline, the fabric or the flight of the skirt. No innovation, without proposing new things without risking bet or by rompedores.Por this styles, this collection is a breath of fresh air to the exploited bridal world that often settles into patterns and classic cuts.


Anna Campbell proposes a bride in true mermaid style not only by the type of shape that we find in most of its models, but has also worked because each of its models that mimic tissues and accounts so delicate and subtle flakes the tails of mermaids.


But that's not all, because the collection is also committed to introduce romantic and timeless models with skirts with long flight and movement, accompanied by fancy necklines carefully hand crafted and tulle(Wedding Dresses 2016), transparencies, rhinestones and beads. And where some vintage bohemian style and is also toquecito guess.


If you want to continue to discover unique and unforgettable collections such as this do not forget to follow us on our social networks!

